Sunday, October 14, 2012

The Barnes Museum App

I was just visiting The Barnes Museum in Philly.. It opened this summer and is still open only to those with advance tickets. The museum houses an amazing collection of American post-Impressionism, Picasso's, Matisse's, Native American Pottery, etc. etc.
   This museum  is the new home to the collection of Albert Barnes. One thing that makes it special is that in his will he stated that the collection should never be moved from its original placement when being viewed, so all the rooms were built to the same dimensions of his home and hung in the same place.
  What made it even better was that the audio tour was on an iPhone! It was an app. You could type in a number next to a piece of art and receive information via head phone about it or they offered a guided tour by Fidele, Albert Barnses' French dog, yes the dog spoke with a French accent. This version was more family oriented and also offered "Zee riddle of zee room" where the dog, Fidele would offer you clues found in the paintings to solve a riddle. What an app!

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE when museums and historical sites do audio tours as apps. It really endears me to that site!
