Tuesday, October 30, 2012


Another thing about me, I love beading, it is both a vice (I buy too many pretty, shiny beads) and a virtue (I sell em' and its relaxing). If you don't know already there is a very acclaimed Baltimore artist, Joyce Scott, whose work can be found locally at the BMA and Goya Contemporary or internationally.
Here are some images and links:

Shoe Museum!

    I don't know if any one knows this about me but I am shoe design fanatic. I wont go into debt over shoes  but I am nuts enough to want to go the Bata Shoe Museum in Ontario. It sounds amazing. One day I would like to learn how to make shoes myself. I might attend a shoe hand-making workshop in January in NYC.
Her are a few links to other shoe museums:

Show & Tell: Story Time

I have to do it. I know Meredith posted about "This American Life" but its amazing. Not only is it a great radio show to listen to but the website has all the pod casts/ web streams/ downloads/ apps you could dream of.
  I also couldn't help but think of "Go The Fuck to Sleep" by Adam Mansbach. After much success it was made into an audio book. Appropriately it was narrated by Samuel L. Jackson.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Patterns of Pa.

Recently I've been interested in the designs of the Pennsylvania  Dutch. Here are some pictures of my interest and some websites:


Dr. Sketchy's Anti-Art School

Right after class today I went to Dr. Sketchy's Anti-Art School at the Wind-Up. If you have never heard of it it is a open drawing session costing $8 AND YOU GET TO DRAW BURLESQUE MODELS in fancy costumes. There is nothing ant-art about it. Here are some of my funny ink drawings:

Sunday, October 14, 2012

The Barnes Museum App

I was just visiting The Barnes Museum in Philly.. It opened this summer and is still open only to those with advance tickets. The museum houses an amazing collection of American post-Impressionism, Picasso's, Matisse's, Native American Pottery, etc. etc.
   This museum  is the new home to the collection of Albert Barnes. One thing that makes it special is that in his will he stated that the collection should never be moved from its original placement when being viewed, so all the rooms were built to the same dimensions of his home and hung in the same place.
  What made it even better was that the audio tour was on an iPhone! It was an app. You could type in a number next to a piece of art and receive information via head phone about it or they offered a guided tour by Fidele, Albert Barnses' French dog, yes the dog spoke with a French accent. This version was more family oriented and also offered "Zee riddle of zee room" where the dog, Fidele would offer you clues found in the paintings to solve a riddle. What an app!

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Show and Tell : Cause & Effect

I'm a very "it says what it does, it does what it says" advertisement person. I want the literal most of the time. I like cleaver as well but largely I like literal. Above is an example of an ad for the Libertarian Party showing the cause of more government and the effect of that government on a protester. The protester is being maced in effect, by the government.
   Below is a Canadian ad showing an equation that shows that if you stay healthy so do your children. I guess its a campaign to promote healthy lives and involvement in your children's life as well. Actually this one is less direct then the one above. I understand what it implies but there is little information about how and what to do for sick children. Maybe if I was Canadian I would understand the reference.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Hand writing fonts

I thought this might help some of us who have to work on hand writing fonts this week. The website is inspiring and FREE! But I used it as a resource for ideas, not for the actual font.  I also thought that if some one is having trouble with their own hand writing stencils are great as well. You can buy them at art supply stores, that is if you thing they go with your concept and aesthetic.

Awareness Campaigns

Here are two links to sites that provide images of awareness campaigns. I felt they were largely cleaver, funny and sometimes bleak. I'm trying to wrestle with this project and find it fun.



I've never heard or seen of the magazine Top Design but I think I'm going to check this site more regularly. Below are my two favorite.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Times a-waistin' and other cool tattoos

Through doing many random internet searches I have found  many funny tattoos. Fake or not these are fun,

Monday, October 1, 2012

Words I LIKE

Rain, pizza, static, tintinnabulation, monosyllabic, brook, cadence, cynical, radial, radiate, Googly Moogly, Gobbly Gok